Category: Automation

  • What is operations automation? With examples

    What is operations automation? With examples

    10 minutes

    Operations automation used to be a solution reserved for large companies, requiring the assistance of an IT department or IT development skills. Today, the emergence of new software has made it possible for even non-technical SMEs to use these tools, thanks to their intuitiveness and pricing model. All companies now have the means to digitalize…

  • Administrative tasks – Guide and 15 automation examples

    Administrative tasks – Guide and 15 automation examples

    10 minutes

    Administrative tasks are essential to the smooth running of a company. From processing incoming requests to managing quotations/invoices, archiving, data entry and updating software and spreadsheets, they impact the entire organization. Whether carried out directly by the business or by an administrative assistant, optimizing these tasks is key to a company’s success. In this article,…

  • Sales management – Definition, Strategy, Automation

    Sales management – Definition, Strategy, Automation

    6 minutes

    Sales management is a set of processes and activities designed both to respond to a request from a prospect or customer, and to manage/monitor the company’s activity . It therefore represents all the activities of a sales department. These sales processes include a range of tasks such as prospecting, costing, creating and presenting quotations, CRM…

  • Business apps: Definition, Examples, Rates in 2024

    Business apps: Definition, Examples, Rates in 2024

    11 minutes

    All companies have needs related to their core business (e.g., making quotations, editing pay slips, planning production, etc.). A business app can then cover one or more of these needs (e.g. a quotation and CRM app for quotations, an HRIS for pay slips, an ERP for planning). As part of the digitalization of its activities,…

  • Excel automation, macros & simple alternatives

    Excel automation, macros & simple alternatives

    7 minutes

    Excel is one of the most widely used business software packages. Because of this position and its functionalities, it is also one of the digital tools where users make the most repetitive entries and tasks. Nevertheless, Excel automation via a macro, or via other relatively easy-to-use automation software, makes users’ work easier, with just a…

  • Customer service automation, a complete guide with examples

    Customer service automation, a complete guide with examples

    9 minutes

    The expectations of customers, prospects and users regarding rapid access to information have never been higher. This new situation inevitably has an impact on the way companies operate. For some organizations, this phenomenon can become a real headache, especially when their pricing structure is not adapted to managing rapid response times. Customer service automation is…

  • Automate repetitive tasks, save time

    Automate repetitive tasks, save time

    9 minutes

    Low value-added tasks have a major impact on companies. They are a source of wasted time for organizations, and loss of motivation or even procrastination for employees. The automation of tasks therefore offers both financial and human benefits… at least when properly implemented. In this article, we won’t use fancy words like performance, productivity, efficiency…